Sunday, February 6, 2011


Weekend at home

Michael and I treasure our weekends, especially the ones that we are able to spend at home as a family.  Sometime it feels a bit selfish to stay home and mostly because weekends are the best opportunity for us to invite friends over, or go out and  explore Southern California (which we do all so often, LOL).  But we really enjoy the calm, slow family weekends. I always feel revived, calm, and complete after a weekend at home with my boys.  Sure we “try” to get some of those house projects checked off the list, but for the most part it’s games, trains, cars, trampoline, etc… I LOVE these weekends, and this weekend was one of them.

Carter reading…

Feb 6 004

Carter giving Josh hugs

Feb 6 005

Josh showing how much he loves those hugs

Feb 6 006

Michael happily trimming our fruitless Mulberry back with his new chainsaw

Feb 6 009

Some things you’ll often find Josh doing on his own…

Coloring Superheroes, and crossword puzzles

Feb 6 007

and playing his favorite word game. He loves to sit and do puzzles that make him think, especially spelling puzzles.  He does a great job of sounding each letter out and making words. 

Feb 6 010

Feb 6 011

I have to show my fun purchases this week, because I just love them.  Thank you so much Mom & Dad DeJong. 

For Christmas M & D gave a Sample fragrance set of 8 different perfumes from Sephora.  Inside is a card that you fill out once you have had a chance to try out the 8 different perfumes, and take it into Sephora for a full size bottle of your chosen perfume. 

I chose…

Feb 6 001

and I was finally able to get my new Crockpot.




Ed / Julie said...

Love it ALL! XOXO

Kim said...

I love LOLA! Marc Jacobs is the best! Fun spending time with you guys yesterday...thanks for opening your house to us all.

Sarah Schenkel said...

Wonderful! I love the boys on the trampoline--we'll have to stop by and jump sometime soon.

Brigitte said...

So fun! We LOVE weekends too!! Looks like you will have some yummy meals ahead!