Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Trick or Treat

Although I have much more to catch up on I’m jumping ahead a bit because me sister has insisted on seeing pictures of the boys in their costumes.  Here you go, Joc!

Josh was super excited this year about Halloween and had a some fun ideas on what he would like to be…clone trooper, Darth Vader,  and something else Star Wars that I can’t remember.  Michael the convincing one that he is was able to talk Josh into being a Cougar’s football player.  Sounds good to me, sounds free to me (ahhh, ya)!  Josh loved the idea and played the part quite well.  Here’s an example:  I took a few pictures of the boys on Monday afternoon, and after taking a picture Josh told me, “I didn’t smile for the picture because football players don’t smile!”  Oh, Josh you make your father so proud.

Carter wasn’t so sure about this whole dressing up thing.  He was a pirate and a very cute one at that. Thank you Nikki for letting us borrow the pirate costume.  You are wonderful!   Carter was very hesitant at first until he discovered that he gets candy.  He quickly got a hang on it, and although he may not be able to say, “Trick or Treat” he certainly says the cutest, sweetest, “Tant u!”.

We went to our friends house for some dinner and then head out around their neighborhood for trick or treating.  Thanks, Edge family for once again a fun Halloween.

My pictures aren’t the best, but hopefully they capture the cuteness that is my children…think I love them Winking smile

October 2011 002

October 2011 004

October 2011 006

October 2011 009

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

So cute! Looks like they had a blast! :)