Friday, July 13, 2012

Turning 3

We hear it all the time, “Where has the time gone, or ‘Really, it’s all ready been another year?”  But it’s so true!  Where has the time gone?  How is it my baby is already turning 3? 

Carter is one of those kids that is just a delight and you can’t help but smile when around him.  He is very easy going and very easy to please.  His dimples will melt your heart, and his expressions will have you in a love trance before you can blink.  He has more girlfriends than his father had in his entire life (and that’s saying something..just kidding, seriously, please don’t repeat this to Michael Winking smile)  Carter, you are a ham and half with your silly dances, songs and facial expressions..  We love how you want to do things by yourself, but ask for help when unsure of something.  It cracks your father and I up that you just love to tackle Josh and do it so well…right at the knees.  You love building zoos for your animals, playing outside, jumping on the trampoline, and reading books.  Carter you are such a delight and we are honored to be your parents.  We look forward to watching you learn and grow.  Love you, Roo!

Summer 2012 067Summer 2012 011

Trying to dry off on the warm pavement…


I will post more pictures from my computer about Carter’s birthday party a bit later… stay tuned.

1 comment:

Matt Wiers said...

I read that Carter has many girlfriends, but only one is pictured. She must be the cutest one!