Sunday, May 13, 2012

Giving thanks

I daily look at my "Mom's Daily Family Planner" because it's where all our scheduled commitments go, and it's quite honestly the only way I can keep my head on straight.  Far too often on a Sunday evening as I reflect over the next week, I think, "Okay, this is going to be a busy week! *Deep breathe and then I remind myself to exhale*.  Today, Mother's day, I felt profoundly thankful and blessed as I looked down at my planner and saw the commitments for the coming week.  I feel so overwhelmed with just how many blessings fill my daily life and just how easily they can be overlooked and seen as just commitments.  I feel that today I should be honoring our Father, for providing and trusting me to take care of his beloved children, Josh and Carter.  Me, a sinner and a weak woman lost with out the guidance and comfort of our Father, as well as her soul mate and best friend, Michael.  I am just a woman promising my children the world, but am nothing unless I trust and know God has an amazing plan for them. I drop to my knees kind with thankfulness for His grace and love for my children and me.  Thank you, Lord, thank you!  I vow to continue to seek you and your word not only for myself, but for our children.

I can so easily fall into a state of nothingness when I forget that it's not about the Facebook status' or about other friends and their activities, but it's about knowing I am good enough in your eyes Lord.  I am worthy and beautiful in your eyes alone and for that I give thanks.  For Lord you are my comfort and my peace.  So today, on this Mother's day, I give you Lord thanks for the gifts and blessings in my life.

Look at these two beautiful could I not be thankful!  I absolutely love being a mother and take joy each day watching these boys smile and just be goofy.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Great thoughts Susanne!