Monday, July 6, 2009


It's been a long time since my last post and needless to say something very precious is the explanation behind the long delay.

Carter Michael DeJong was born on May 28, 2009. He arrived at 12:29 pm. He was 7lb 5oz and 20 inches at birth. We had a scheduled C-section at noon (Josh was also a C-section baby). We were pleased to know that May 28 may have been Carter's arrival regardless as I began having contractions that morning.

Josh is already such a great big brother. This is a photo of him shortly after meeting Carter for the first time. He continues to give him kisses every day and tells us about 8 times each day that "he's so tiny".

Carter is now almost 6 weeks old already! I will have to post some more recent pictures soon. We have had a fantastic time with Mike home for the summer, family in town, time at the beach, and just enjoying time home as a family.


Ed / Julie said...

Love the pictures and the post, Susanne! Thanks!!!

Brigitte said...

He is adorable. Keep posting more pictures. Love to hear all the news. Glad summer is going well.