Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Human anatomy from a four year olds perspective


Our little comedian was up to his funny ways once again today.

It all happened at the end of our Costco visit today.  Josh loves to hand the Costco employee at the exit the receipt, because they usually draw him a happy face on it.  So just like expected the lady at the exit drew a happy face for him, but unlike every other time Josh looked up at me and asked, “Where’s the nose?”.  Uhhh, I’ve never really noticed if they usually make a nose or not, but he seems to remember that they do.  I turned to Josh to say, “It doesn’t need a nose!”, “Do you need a nose?”.  Smart Josh says, “Yes, my nose is for running”! HAAAA, I could not stop laughing.  Goodness, I love being put in place by a four year old.  I often forget what it must be like to see life through a four year olds eyes. 

Well, I had to find what he thought other body parts are for, so we continued the conversation on the way home.  This is what Josh informed us about:

Hands are for talking

Fingers are for poking

Legs hold our feet

Feet are for walking and running

Eyes are for sleeping

Teeth are for brushing

Bellybuttons are for tickling

So silly!! Thanks for all the laughs Josh!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Unfinished work

This last week was a wonderfully busy week.  As most of you know I started a new job, and will soon be taking on more responsibility with our church’s nursery.  I am SOO excited about these wonderful opportunities, but yet very anxious. 

I’ve never done well in stressful situations (tests, new job, meeting new people, confrontations, etc…). I get this nervous anxiety that gives a sick feeling in my stomach and the nervousness doesn’t allow me to remember anything, all brain activity freezes (this would define my schooling).  I honestly would like to avoid stressful situations as much as possible, wouldn’t we all!  But you can’t really get through life without taking a test, or meeting new people, or starting a new job.  So, with maturity (haa, who am I kidding) or age I’m hoping that I have learned to cope with stress better. Now I try to pump myself up before such situations.  Give myself a little pep talk sorta say!  Anything to avoid that nervous anxiety that I normally get!  We’ll see if it works.

Since I can’t see myself through clear eyes, I try to bounce things off of Mike for help.  So in starting the new job, I did just that.  He told me that the one thing he has noticed I have been doing, is not finishing projects or ideas that I have started or bought supplies for.  TRUE!  I honestly have quite a few projects (snuggly blanket for Carter, a painting for the boys room, Carter’s scrapbook, etc…) that I have yet to start, or have started and not completed.  I have no excuse!  But it doesn’t really help me at work, it just gives me more to do at home.  YAY!  Ironically, As I was working on this post, he asked me to sit down and watch a show with him.  So this post sat “unfinished” for a day!  Hmmm, maybe all my unfinished projects isn’t my fault!! LOL

I’m now very anxious to see if I can finish up any of my projects, and ease my nervousness for the new job.