We were pleasantly surprised with a phone call sometime mid-November from my brother, Dan. He was surprising his girlfriend, Rachel (she's really part of the family, we're just waiting for him to make it official) with a trip to see us around Christmas time. It's always a blast when they come to visit! We were especially excited this time because we were staying in Redlands for Christmas, and now we would have visitors to share Christmas with. Josh loves his Uncle Dan and Aunt Rachel because they LOVE to play anything and everything with him and they are both super silly. We wish they lived closer so we could see them all the time, but we understand that Montana is where they need to be for NOW!
Being that it was our first Christmas staying home, Mike and I wanted to start some of our own family traditions this year. Not that we've never had the chance in the past, it just gets so hectic with getting ready to travel, and then flights canceled, and like last year; SSN stolen, filing police reports, and getting a parking ticket at the Palm Springs Airport ("hmm" you say! ask Mike) it just has seemed easier to wait till we found it the right year to stay home.
So I took it upon myself, the hostess and everything, to plan some fun traditions and outings we could do with Dan and Rach while they were here. We took a trip down to the San Diego Zoo, on a wet cold day, and were pleasantly surprised by the lack of visitors (seriously, it was like having a private tour) and the very active animals (so cool). Shoot, maybe I shouldn't be letting that little secret out! Oh, well!
My personal favorite because you will see that everyone's creative side came out, was the making of the gingerbread house. Okay, it was pre-built but it was lots of fun to frost and throw candy at (yes, the candy was thrown).
We were even able to go out to dinner and a movie with them (Thank you Verhoeven Family)! It's not often that Mike and I go out on a double date (I think Dan and Rach are the only ones that like us)!
We had a wonderful time with them and are so thankful that they thought of us to visit for Christmas. We hope that they will make it an annual visit!

(Carter sleeping)

(hook'em Horns)